
There are a range of free, easily accessible workplace sexual harassment training modules available to Australian employees and employers.

Workplace sexual harassment training can be an important tool to empower workers to understand, respond to and prevent sexual harassment, however the most effective approaches to sexual harassment training are consistent, accessible, interactive and evidence based.

Under the federal Sex Discrimination Act 1984 organisations and businesses now have a positive duty to eliminate, as far as possible, sexual and sex-based harassment in connection with work, conduct creating a hostile workplace environment on the ground of sex, workplace discrimination on the ground of sex and related acts of victimisation. Assessing staff knowledge in order to implement effective, consistent training on topics related to workplace sexual harassment can be an important step towards satisfying this duty.

Interested in exploring what free workplace sexual harassment training could be useful for your staff, or ready to refresh your own knowledge? Here’s some to get you started:

Online training

Organisations may like to consider free online training modules as complementary in fitting into a broader training strategy informed by organisational need, through collaboration and consultation with workers.

For employees:

Workplace Sexual Harassment – Fair Work Commission

This 20-minute learning module is suitable for all workers. Informed by data from the Australian Human Rights Commission and ANROWS, the module provides useful information on workplace sexual harassment using a case study to highlight the impact that harassment can have on both the person targeted, and any bystanders. It also provides a helpful overview on the role of the Fair Work Commission in dealing with sexual harassment.

You don’t have to create an account or enrol to access and participate in this module, but if you do create an account before completing the module, you can download a certificate of completion once you finish.

Mini-course series – Respect@Work

Respect@Work is an online resource directory developed by the Australian Human Rights Commission and the Respect@Work Council in response to recommendation 48 of the National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces.

The website’s education and training page  houses a range of self-paced mini modules on topics related to workplace sexual harassment. These courses include:


Workplace sexual harassment: An overview for workers – Comcare

Comcare’s self-paced  30-minute module , designed for workers covered by the Comcare scheme, forms part of a series of modules on workplace sexual harassment, including modules designed for management and senior leadership. Focusing on impact, prevention and reporting of workplace sexual harassment, the module is informed by data from the Australian Human Rights Commission and provides some information on seeking advice from Comcare for workplace sexual harassment issues.

For employers:

Diversity and discrimination – Fair Work Ombudsman

Workplace sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. Targeting employers, this course focuses on discrimination prevention and respectful workplace behaviour more broadly, making a business case for a diverse and inclusive workforce. It features content such as step-by-step guidance on preventing discrimination, and interactive scenarios on responding to discrimination complaints.

This module is broken down into one 10-minute section and one 30-minute section and features a self-assessment tool and resource toolkit. The toolkit hosts a range of Fair Work Ombudsman resources on bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination at work, and best practice guides on topics such as employing young workers and gender pay equity.


In-person training

Circle Green’s Workplace Respect Project offers a range of workplace sexual harassment-related training options across Western Australia, including:

For employees:

Workplace sexual harassment and active bystander training

This half-day workshop offers a valuable opportunity to learn about workplace sexual harassment and the important role of an active bystander in contributing to safer, more respectful workplaces for all.

Learning outcomes include:

  • The ability to define and identify workplace sexual harassment;
  • An understanding of the gendered drivers of violence;
  • An understanding of the nature and impact of workplace sexual harassment in Australia using lived experience stories; and
  • Practical skills to promote safe, appropriate bystander action to challenge and work to prevent workplace sexual harassment.


For employers:

Preventing workplace sexual harassment and other unlawful behaviours – understanding positive duty

This half-day training is suitable for representatives from small-to-medium sized businesses and organisations to attend (such as business owners, senior leaders, and/or senior human resources staff).

Learning outcomes include:

  • The ability to define and understand workplace sexual harassment and other relevant unlawful conduct;
  • An understanding of the impact, causes and risk factors for relevant unlawful conduct;
  • An understanding of the Positive Duty, including the four guiding principles and seven standards; and
  • Practical information to prepare for developing your framework for action.


To learn more about upcoming training sessions or to register your interest in attending a session, take a look at the Workplace Respect Project’s training page here.