During National Volunteer Week, we’re featuring some of the individuals whose passion and talent enrich our volunteer community.

Megha Sheth – Humanitarian Volunteer

What made you want to get into volunteering and why did you choose Circle Green Community Legal?

I got into volunteering at Circle Green because I wanted meaningful work experience in the legal field. Volunteering at Circle Green was a great way to gain practical skills, while also making a difference by helping those in the community who are particularly vulnerable to have access to legal services. I also wanted to learn more about Community Legal Centres and the work that they do.

Where else do you volunteer?

Besides Circle Green, I have volunteered as a Project Officer in WAJA (WA Justice Association), which aims to improve outcomes in WA’s criminal justice system and reduce incarceration rates. I have also volunteered with Teach Learn Grow, which helps promote education for rural students, and as a UniMentor at UWA, to help new students transition into university.

What do you enjoy the most about volunteering?

What I enjoy most about volunteering in the Humanitarian stream at Circle Green is that I have learnt a lot about the area of law, as well as developed many practical and professional skills that you would not learn through university. It is really satisfying to be able to learn while also assisting people and making a difference. The staff at Circle Green are also very nice and create a supportive environment to volunteer in.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to volunteer?

If you have the time, then definitely consider volunteering, and make sure you volunteer in an area you are passionate about. There are so many places you can volunteer and make a real difference in people’s lives.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at Circle Green, head to the Volunteer page.

Megha Sheth
Megha Sheth