Community Legal Education

We provide extensive community legal education, training and support to raise community awareness of the law and legal processes related to each of our practice areas.

We offer community legal education presentations, information sessions and seminars, and develop legal information and other education resources on a broad range of topics within our areas of expertise.

Training Calendar
We deliver community legal education sessions to:
  • The general community, including communities located in rural, regional and remote areas of Western Australia
  • Other community legal centres
  • Community groups
  • Community services
  • Organisations and agencies
  • Student groups


Tailored training

Circle Green can tailor information sessions and workshops to suit the needs of community groups, community workers and organisations.

We are always open to suggestions regarding which topics are most relevant to communities and encourage groups and organisations to contact us to discuss your needs.


Request a community legal education workshop

For more information about our community legal education program or to request a workshop for your your community, legal or advocacy group, please fill out the form below.


Community legal education resources

Access our fact sheets and other information resources. 


View our training calendar
