
How We Help

We help people new to Western Australia from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds, including humanitarian visa holders, asylum seekers, refugees and people who are otherwise disadvantaged in their access to legal services. 

We provide legal advice, professional migration assistance, further assistance, representation, education services and advocacy. 

Our Humanitarian Services

We provide free, comprehensive, confidential migration law advice, education, advocacy, representation, information, and referrals to vulnerable, refugees and migrants in Western Australia.


Legal advice, further assistance and representation


Protection visas (temporary and permanent)

These visas are issued to people outside of their home country who cannot return home because they are at risk of persecution or serious human rights violations. Our assistance ranges from legal advice to representation.


Family reunion

When people are forced to leave their home country due to fear of persecution or serious human rights violations, they are often separated from their family who may still be in serious danger. We work with these people to help reunite them with their families.

We provide family reunification assistance to newly arrived refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers from a CaLD background who wish to being their family to Australia.


Specialist immigration matters

We assist with a range of specialist immigration matters including:

  • Modern slavery and human trafficking
  • Visa cancellations, character and other related issues
  • Administrative Appeals Tribunal matters


Family Violence

We provide legal and migration advice to permanent and temporary visa holders experiencing family violence and assist with related legal matters.


General legal assistance

We help people from CaLD backgrounds who are experiencing family violence or have specialist immigration matters to understand the law and exercise their rights.

We strive to do this in a way that embraces diversity and strengthens communities.


Community legal education

We run a number of education sessions on a range of topics including:

  • Citizenship
  • Family reunion
  • Family and domestic violence
  • Forced marriage


We welcome suggestions on which topics are most relevant to local diverse communities and encourage multicultural groups and organisations to contact us to discuss their needs.

Our community legal education page has more information on these services including how to request a session.


Things you should know

Our humanitarian services are provided free of charge.
We can provide interpreters as required.
All our services are confidential.
We provide advice and assistance to eligible people across all of WA.

Outreach Services