We help people new to Australia understand and empower them to enforce their rights related to their immigration matters.
We help people new to Australia from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) backgrounds, including humanitarian visa holders, asylum seekers, refugees and people who are otherwise disadvantaged in their access to legal services who have or have had an immigration matter.
We support people from CaLD backgrounds by providing professional and accessible immigration legal advice, assistance, community legal education and advocacy services. Our assistance is delivered in a manner that is trauma-informed and in a way that embraces diversity, empowers individuals and strengthens communities.
We provide free, confidential legal advice and we work with non-legal services providers. We have the ability to refer clients for additional advice and support where appropriate, including for help in settling in Australia, safety planning, case management and essential counselling services.
These visas are issued to people outside of their home country who cannot return home because they are at risk of persecution or serious human rights violations. We provide advice and assistance to people seeking asylum. We support people with their initial application for a Protection visa to the Department of Home Affairs and the merits review process at the Administrative Review Tribunal.
Since 1 July 2024, we are able to assist with providing advice and facilitating representation with Judicial Review at the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.
See more on our Protection Visa and Appeals Legal Service page.
We provide legal advice and assistance to temporary visa, permanent visa holders, and those with uncertain visa status who experience family and domestic violence. We ensure that they are made aware of their visa status, and the options available to them as well as assist in connecting clients to support services, where appropriate.
When people are forced to leave their home country due to a fear of persecution or serious human rights violations, they are often separated from their family who may still be in danger. We work with these people to help reunite them with their families in Australia. We focus on providing advice to people newly arrived who have been resettled through the Humanitarian Settlement Program.
We work closely with people from CaLD backgrounds seeking general legal advice and assistance including, but not limited to family law, citizenship, FVROs, Criminal Injuries Compensation, modern slavery and forced marriage. See our Vulnerable Women Funding page for further information on some our specialist legal assistance services.
We provide advice to those who arrived by boat to Australia and seeking a resolution of their visa status. This includes those subjected to the ‘fast track’ process and those seeking a permanent Resolution of Status (RoS) visa. Our limited legal advice service is primarily provided at our outreach service (Asylum Seeker Hub). We are actively involved in advocating for pathways to permanency for all people denied protection under the unfair Fast Track process.
We value an inclusive community where people new to Australia understand their rights and are treated with equality and dignity. We strive to help everyone understand how to achieve this in a way that embraces diversity and strengthens communities. We provide legal education to other legal services, stakeholders and the community.
We are committed to advocating on behalf of people new to Australia and actively contribute to law reform in each of our practice areas.
In addition to our extensive volunteer training program, we also provide legal and immigration professional development opportunities, practical legal placements for graduate law students and other internship placements.
For more information, community legal education resources and law reform submissions please visit our Resources page.
Support service for people who arrived by boat.
Drop-in service in a holistic space providing migration advice to asylum seekers and refugees.
Every Tuesday, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm at Riverview Community Services, 1 Thorogood Street, Burswood.
Assistance for people in prison or in detention with migration, visa cancellation and asylum seeker matters.
Callers include detainees from Yongah Hill, Perth Immigration Detention Centre and WA prisons.
Every Thursday, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm on (08) 6148 3650
Wrap-around health, social and legal support service for victims of family and domestic violence in collaboration with Luma (formerly Women’s Health and Family Service).
By appointment – please call Luma on (08) 9328 1200 or email FDV@luma.org.au.
Every second Thursday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm at Luma, 227 Newcastle Street Northbridge.
Student only: Family reunion advice and support service for students of the Adult Migrant English Program at certain South Metropolitan Tafe Campuses. If you are a student, speak to your AMEP teacher.