05 JUL 2023

Earlier this year, the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) of the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR) invited interested parties and stakeholders to comment on the first public draft of its general comment on Article 4 of the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT).

‘The SPT is preparing a general comment on article 4 of the OPCAT with the aim of clarifying and addressing questions that States parties, national preventive mechanisms and other relevant actors may have regarding the obligations of States parties to the [OPCAT] as they pertain to the definition of places of deprivation of liberty. The Subcommittee considers that this is a crucial issue because the essential purpose of the [OPCAT] lies in the system of preventive visits by the Subcommittee and the national preventive mechanisms to all places of deprivation of liberty.’ OHCHR

In April 2023, Circle Green’s Humanitarian team provided a submission to the SPT titled ‘Input on SPT General Comment on Article 4 OPCAT’. On the 8 June 2023 the public general discussion on the draft was held during the 50th session of the SPT. Circle Green Community Legal was acknowledged alongside other organisations and professionals on the OHCHR’s website for our contribution.

Download and read our submission
Input on SPT Draft General Comment on Article 4 OPCAT’ (PDF)