
These fact sheets only contain general information. It is not legal advice and should not be relied on as a substitute for legal advice.

Rent Increases
How and when your landlord can raise your rent. 

Getting behind in your rent
Steps you can take to avoid having your lease terminated.

Plain English Factsheet: Getting behind in your rent
A Plain English fact sheet to help you understand what happens when you are behind in your rent payments.

Maintenance and Repairs
Who is responsible for what.

Plain English Factsheet: Maintenance & Repairs
A Plain English factsheet to help you understand what to do if something in the home gets damaged or needs to be fixed.

Making Modifications
Understand your rights and obligations when making changes to your rental home. 

Keeping Pets
Information about your rights and responsibilities when keeping a pet as a renter.

Find out who is responsible and what to do if you have mould in your rental home.

Security and Safety
Information on security, safety switches and smoke alarms

Entry and Privacy
Find out what your rights are for landlords entering your rental property.

Plain English Factsheet: When can the landlord or agent enter my home
A plain English factsheet to explain when a landlord or agent may enter your home

Plain English Factsheet: Rent Inspections
A plain English factsheet to help answer frequently asked questions about rent inspections

Utilities – Water, Electricity and Gas
Information on services to your home such as gas, electricity, water and sewerage