This information resource is for employees in Western Australia. It is general information only and not intended to be a substitute for legal advice. By using the information on this page, you agree to our full disclaimer.

There are two systems of employment law in Western Australia: a state system and a national system. While this information resource is suitable for both state system employees and national system employees, it will help you to know which system of employment law you are covered by. If you are unsure, please see our publication: “Q&A: State or national for WA employees”.


Quick Summary

Employees often need flexibility or changes to things like their hours, pattern, or location of work due to their personal circumstances.

Employees can request changes like this by making a flexible working arrangements request.

The law recognises that some personal circumstances should have a formal process and protections to request these kinds of changes. There are rules around who can make flexible work arrangement requests, how they are made, and when employers can reject them.

Employees who have a dispute with their employer about a flexible work arrangement request and lodge an application with a Commission to resolve the dispute. The Commission can try and mediate the dispute and make a decision that is binding for both parties.

Generally, employers cannot take negative action against you for requesting flexible work arrangements or complaining if there is there a dispute about requesting them.