This information resource is for national system contractors in Western Australia. It is general information only and not intended to be a substitute for legal advice. Circle Green can only provide information or advice on the application of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and a limited number of other workplace laws. If you are a contractor, there may be additional laws that apply to you or that affect the information provided below. By using the information on this page, you agree to our full disclaimer.

There are two systems of employment law in Western Australia: a state system and a national system. If you are unsure, please see our publication: “Q&A: State or national for WA employees”.

Quick Summary

Some independent contractors can now apply to the Fair Work Commission to cancel or change the terms of their contract if they are unfair.

The Fair Work Commission can only cancel or change terms in independent contractor contracts that were entered into on or after 26 August 2024.

This resource focuses on the new unfair contract terms applications in the Fair Work Commission and not on other potential avenues such as an application to the Federal Court under the Independent Contractors Act 2006.

If you aren’t sure if you are a contractor or employee, you may wish to read our resource Q&A: Contractor or employee for WA workers.