
The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is inviting people who have been targeted by sexual harassment at work to have their say about making workplaces safer. Everyone deserves to feel safe at work. The AHRC will use what they hear to create resources to support employers to make workplaces safer for everyone.

The National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces highlighted the power of sharing stories to drive positive change. The Speaking from Experience project centres the voices of people who have been targeted by sexual harassment at work, with a focus on:

  • young people (aged 18-24).
  • First Nations workers.
  • LGBTIQ+ workers.
  • migrant and seasonal workers.
  • culturally and/or racially marginalised workers.
  • workers with a disability.


Individuals within these groups are often not heard in research and policy development, but are more likely to be targeted by workplace sexual harassment.

How to participate

You can take part in the Speaking from Experience project by making a written or audio submission here: https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/sex-discrimination/speaking-experience/speaking-experience-submission.

The AHRC website has more information about how to make a submission and a guide for having your say.

If you make a submission, you will be asked about:

  • your thoughts on unhelpful responses to workplace sexual harassment.
  • your thoughts on helpful responses to workplace sexual harassment.
  • what you think needs to change to address workplace sexual harassment.


You will not be asked about your past experiences of workplace sexual harassment, and there is no counselling or support offered as part of the project. Details for support services such as 1800 RESPECT are available on the Speaking from Experience website.

The AHRC will use information from the project to create publicly available resources to help workplaces and advocates understand how to make workplaces safer for everyone. The resources will not include names or personal information.

What is workplace sexual harassment?

Workplace sexual harassment is an unwelcome sexual advance, unwelcome request for sexual favours, or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. It makes the person harassed feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. It doesn’t matter if the harasser didn’t intend for their conduct to cause this reaction.

It’s called “workplace sexual harassment” because it is when a worker is targeted by sexual harassment in connection with their work. Sometimes it can include behaviour that happens outside of the workplace or work hours. You can find more information about workplace sexual harassment on our website: https://circlegreen.org.au/projects/workplace-respect/workplace-sexual-harassment/.

If you have been targeted by workplace sexual harassment and need to talk to someone about your options, you can contact Circle Green Community Legal online or by phone at 08 6148 3636.