Workplace Respect Project
Circle Green’s Workplace Respect Project provides legal assistance services for people who have experienced workplace sexual harassment and discrimination.

What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment in the workplace includes a range of unwelcome behaviors, from inappropriate comments to unwanted physical contact.

Can be an expression of gender inequality

Most often (but not always) affects women

Can be a form of sex discrimination

Can intersect with other types of discrimination

Is prevalent AND preventable

Requires whole-of-community responses
Do you need free and confidential legal help?
If you are being targeted by sexual harassment at work, free and confidential legal assistance is available to help you navigate your rights and options.
Find helpful resources on workplace sexual harassment

Make a request for legal help

Support for sexual harassment in the mining industry

How we can help
We can help people who have experienced workplace sexual harassment and discrimination in a range of ways, including if you’d like to learn more about some of the pathways below:

Learn about sexual harassment
Information on sexual harassment in the workplace. Start here if confused.

Seek legal advice

Learn about self-care and support services
Make a report to your employer
Report sexual harassment to an external agency
About the Workplace Respect Project
In response to the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Respect@Work Report, Circle Green has received funding to increase our provision of workplace sexual harassment and discrimination legal services.
Providing legal education resources
Delivering workshops and training
Monitoring legal need
Advocating for legal and cultural change
How you can get involved?
Workplace Respect Project updates
Stay informed and keep up to date with all of our latest projects and news

Providing legal education resources

Free training resources on workplace sexual harassment