What are my options for addressing workplace sexual harassment internally?
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Employers have a positive duty to take all reasonable steps to prevent workplace sexual harassment from happening in the first place.
If you tell your employer that you have been sexually harassed, or they should have known that it was happening, they must act to stop it and prevent it from happening again.
Workers are also legally protected from victimisation. This means that they should not have any action taken against them by their employer for making a complaint.
To learn more about rights and responsibilities of workers and employers, click here.
Keep records
Talk to the harasser
Review your workplace sexual harassment policy
Make a report to your employer
What else should I consider?
If you’ve been targeted by workplace sexual harassment, it may also be helpful for you to consider some of these options:

Practice self-care and seek support

Seek legal advice

Make a report to an external agency
Knowing your options is important, but it’s even more important to know that what you decide to do next is up to you.